I believe that when you visit my blog homepage, you can see my achievements. If you like them and can't find a good widget online or if your theme doesn't support such a widget, or even if you don't like the FEED widget provided by your theme, then make one yourself and start creating your own widget with me.
Step 1: First, find a feed icon that you like, just like the one displayed on my BLOG. You can simply right-click and save it. Then upload it to your theme's image directory. Of course, you can use other icons as long as you can find them easily for management purposes.
Step 2: Find your own feed address. Mine is http://www.lidaren.com/feed/rss, which will be used below.
Step 3: In the admin dashboard, go to Appearance (WP2.6) or Themes (WP2.7), then Widgets (2.6) or Widgets (2.7), and add a text widget.
Step 4: Change the content of the text widget as follows, remembering to modify the image and FEED addresses. Below is my example code:
After replacing the content, save it and adjust the widget's title and position to achieve the desired effect.