


Modify Realtek network card hardware MAC address to bypass router's internet MAC address binding.

Title: "Modifying Realtek Network Card Hardware MAC Address to Bypass Router MAC Address Binding for Internet Access"
Date: "2009-08-15"

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I have been at CS for a month now, and the internet access method here is different from YC school, which is quite troublesome. The network here assigns each person a private IP address, which is bound to your MAC address and your network interface. Therefore, if you want to have two computers connected to the internet or change the port, it becomes a hassle. Recently, CG used the Realtek network card MAC address modification tool to forcefully change their own MAC address.

Firstly, everyone needs to find the MAC flashing program corresponding to their network card chip. You can Google it, as CG's network card is the commonly used Realtek crab 8168, so it can be found quickly. Additionally, the flashing program for RT 8168 and 8111B is the same, so friends with 8111B can use 8168 to flash. Here, CG provides the 8168/8111B/8169 package for everyone to download.

MAC address modification tool download link (from Realtek technical forum):

The specific operation is a bit troublesome and can only be done in pure DOS environment, not in PE. Even if successful in PE, it may cause all your network card MAC addresses to be F or all 0. The following is the process:

Step 1: Enter the Device Manager in Windows, then select the network card you want to modify the MAC address for, and choose to uninstall. This step is very important because after modifying the MAC address, Windows will think that you have inserted a new network card, but the configuration of the original network card is still saved in the operating system, which can cause the flashing to fail or result in network card conflicts. Therefore, everyone must uninstall the original network card first.

Step 2: Configure the MAC address you want to modify in Windows. Open the same-named [.cfg] file in the directory where the flashing program is located with Notepad. Then, find the first line [NODEID = 00 E0 6F 00 00 00] and modify the last three pairs of hexadecimal numbers to any other hexadecimal numbers. Note that uppercase letters should be used here. It is recommended not to modify the first three digits due to manufacturer design and reserved address issues. Modifying them may cause the Realtek network card to fail to be recognized. Additionally, it is generally advised not to make any modifications to the related inputs below. Non-professionals should use caution!

Step 3: Copy all the files to a DOS-valid directory, preferably the root directory or a directory that can be found in DOS. Chinese directories may cause issues with opening the files.

Step 4: Enter the pure DOS environment and run 8168.exe or 8169.exe. To modify the MAC address, use the /w parameter. 8169.exe will automatically read the configuration information in 8169.cfg and write it into the EEROM. You can also use 8169.exe /w XXX.cfg to write specific MAC data. Wait a few seconds, and if you see "Programming EEPROM is successful," it means it was successful. Then, restart your computer.

Note: Advanced users can directly use 8169.exe /nodeid 00E06FXXXXXX to directly complete the MAC modification.

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