


Enter the SYSTEM user status in Windows management to obtain super privileges.

For Windows users, the administrator user level has almost no operational restrictions. However, when opening the task manager, there will be one or more processes of the SYSTEM user, and most of these processes cannot be terminated or stopped. The SYSTEM user is a built-in system user of the Windows operating system, belonging to the NT_AUTHORITY permission group. For computer users, obtaining SYSTEM user privileges allows for more system-level operations and management. However, using the SYSTEM user for operations and modifications can cause system issues, so caution is advised when using the SYSTEM user.

Usage: The system user cannot directly log in. Starting Explorer.exe as the SYSTEM user will grant SYSTEM user privileges. This can be achieved through a batch process under all operations. 12:00:00 is the time at which Explorer is started as the SYSTEM user, generally after the current time. After Explorer is closed, it will be restarted at this time.

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe at 12:00:00 /interactive %systemroot%\explorer.exe

After restarting Explorer, open the start menu. The username displayed in the start menu will be the machine name + $. Run the task manager, and the username for Explorer will be SYSTEM, indicating successful entry into the SYSTEM state. In this state, tasks that the administrator user cannot complete can be accomplished. To exit the SYSTEM user, simply force-end the Explorer process and then recreate it.

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