


[iOS] Deploying APP via HTTPS External Link OTA using Dropbox

After iOS 7.1, when using OTA deployment, it is mandatory to use SSL encryption to transmit ipa and plist files. However, if the server uses https, you need to pay a certain fee to purchase an SSL certificate. Most developers in China use the http method to publish ipa files using OTA. However, http method is no longer effective in iOS 7.1. If the requirements for the publishing environment are not high, using Dropbox as a storage space for publishing is a good choice. Dropbox supports https and the browser address bar displays it as green, which is the most secure EVSSL.

Basic principle: Direct access to the original file can be achieved through Dropbox's URL sharing. The following is the current URL format for sharing external links in Dropbox:


Here, the URL needs to be modified to any of the following formats, that is, replace "www" with "dl-web", "dl", or any of "files". Copy and test it in the browser address bar. If it can be downloaded, it means it is valid. If it cannot be downloaded and does not redirect to Dropbox's 404 page, it may be that the file is blocked.


If all of the above are OK, follow these steps:

  1. Export the ipa package and plist file for OTA deployment in Xcode, and then upload the files except for the plist.
  2. Create a Dropbox external link for the ipa file. If necessary, create the large-icon and small-icon files in advance.
  3. Open the plist file and edit the assets branch in the plist, modify the corresponding URL (including https://).

ipa file's Dropbox URL

                     large-icon file's Dropbox URL
                     small-icon file's Dropbox URL

4. Upload the plist file to Dropbox, create a sharing link URL, and open the URL with iOS Safari. At this time, it will prompt for installation.
5. If you want it to be easy to remember, you can change the URL of the plist file to a short URL. There are many services like this online, you can search for them.

Adding a note: After iOS 9.0, Https is mandatory as the transmission method for the http protocol, not only for OTA deployment but also for APP content. has now fully enabled https protocol support. If you need it, I can provide free OTA deployment services here, but the quantity is limited. Please leave a message in the comments section of this article to request it.

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