


郁闷,一封写给Google Adsense小组的信件

今天 Adsense 又一次无理由的拒绝我的申请,居然说我的域名注册没有超过六个月,6 个月该等到什么时候呢?
没办法,直接写封信给 Google Adsense,全文如下,E 文不好,挑到错误的话也没有办法了,个人感觉就是一封威胁性质的信件,希望诸位 Adsense 的专家们成全吧,如果我的 adsenes 通过的话,诸位网友不妨拿过去传阅传阅吧,以下是信件全文,中文是自己添加的,下午写了下中文,晚上改 E 文,本人 english 不咋的,见笑

Google Adsense 小组,你们好!
Google Adsense Team,


我已经阅读了来自 Google adsense 小组,关于我的 Google Adsense 账户审核未通过的邮件,但是,我有一些内容并不是完全理解,我需要你们提供一些解释或说明

I have read the Email from you than my Google Adsense account auditing was not passed, but I have some content is not fully understood, I need you to provide some explanation or description farther.

我重新已经阅读了关于 Google Adsense 的服务条款,其中并没有关于审核或使用 Adsense 网站或者域名必须注册满 6 个月以上的条款的规定,而且,我已经从很多已经通过了 adsense 的审核 webmaster 朋友那里获悉,他们在申请 adsense 审核之前的网站并没有注册超过 6 个月,如果 adsense 计划确实有这样的审核规定或服务条款,请把相关的资料发送给我,如果你们并没有这样的相关条款或规定,请给我关于这封 Email 的解释,我很愿意听取你们解释。

I have reviewed on the Google Adsense terms of service, but no terms of the requirements included that the auditing or the use of Adsense for a site or a domain name must have be registered for 6 months or more, I also have been known through a lot friends who were webmasters that they Were passed your Adsense auditing ,but ,they told me that when they submit their website to apply an Adsense acount,there has not requirements that a site must be registered more than 6 months, or more. if indeed there is such a provision or provisions of Adsense service, please Email the relevant information to me , if there do not have such a provision or provisions of the Adsenes service , Please Email me on this explanation, I am willing to listen to your explanation.

我声明我本人拥有 这个域名的合法所有权限,并且拥 这个 website 的最高管理权限,我承诺我不会自己点击 google adsense 提供的广告,不发布任何非法的或者限制内容的网页内容,不鼓励用户点击广告,遵从 Google Adsense 政策,因此我可以申请 Google Adsense 账户,我的网站也适合拥有一个 adsense 账户。

I myself have a statement now that I have the domain name ( of all the legitimate rights and as the administrator I have the the highest level of privilege on my website (, I promise I will not click the ads provided by Google Adsense, do not publish any illegal or restricted content on my web site, encouraging any users to click the ads, compling with Google Adsense policy, so I can apply for a Google Adsense account, my Website is suitable for having an Adsense account..

我的域名(已经取得了中华人民共和国域名信息备案,我的域名和网站信息已经录入其数据库,我是合法的域名拥有者和网站 的管理者,拥有最高管理权限,因此我可以合法的,自由的发布信息,包括 Google Adsense 提供的广告,受中国法律保护。

My domain name ( and website has been passed by the domain name auditing and IPC auditing of People's Republic of China,and registered my information , my domain name and Website information were recorded in its database, I am the legal owner of this domain name and Website , I am the administrator of the website(, with the highest management Authority, so I can publish information legitimatly and freely , including Google Adsense Ads, by Chinese legal protection.

在上周,我的网站的 Alexa 排名已经上升到 2,000,000,并且这个数据一直在上升,你们可以查看 Alexa 网站提供的关于本网站的排名信息,相信来自第三方的数据会更值得相信,更具有说服力。

Last week, my site's Alexa ranking has been risen to over 2,000,000, and the ranking has been on the rising, you can view the Alexa Web site and view my Website ranking information ,I think the ranking information comes from a third-party website will be more reliable that more Convincing.

我的站点目前很受我的家人,同学,朋友,网友的欢迎,他们是很多 Google 产品的用户,他们喜欢我发布的文章,也乐于分享我的 life-style,如果你们愿意,我非常欢迎来自你们的访问,相信如果你是广告商,你也会愿意在我的站点投放广告

My site now is very popular among my family, schoolmates, and my friends, they are users of a lot of Google products, they like to read articles I published ,and they were glad to share my life-style with me, It is my honor to invite you to visit my website, I think if you were the advertizer, you will be willing to advertise on my site

我已经申请了 提供的广告投放计划,不过目前我还没有投放他们的广告,我认为 Adsense 的服务更好,不幸的是,如果我的下一次申请必须再等 6 个月的话,我想我应该先选择。广告主投放广告,用户点击广告,因为他们需要广告,they enjoy ad, 就像你我选择喝可乐,是因为是它的口味,而不是在于它是否是可口可乐的产品,或者百事可乐,个人来说,我比较喜欢百事

I have applied for the ads plan of, but I have not put their ads in my site, I think Adsense service is better, unfortunately, if my next apply must after the next 6 months or more, I would like to choice first. Advertisers running ads, viewers click ads, because they need ads, they enjoy ads, just like you and me choose Coke , because its tastes , not in terms of whether it is Coca-Cola products, or Pepsi, personally, I prefer Pepsi.

glad to hear your reply again.


XXX,一个 Google 用户来自中国

Daton Lee , A Google user form China.
