w_char * 和 char * 在 windows 编程过程中进行转换是经常需要的,通常由互联网我们取到都是 utf-8 编码,到 windows 应用程序里面却需要用 unicode 编码。 一开始用 stdlib.h 下 wcstombs_s 和 mbstowcs_s 的代码实现,发现总是转换失败和出错。 char 转 WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR ,窄字符转宽字符,C++ 代码
//| char to WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR etc |
static char* WStr2CStr(const wchar_t* WStr)
// 长度设置
size_t len = wcslen(WStr) + 1;
size_t converted = 0;
// 准备转换的对象
char *CStr;
// 转换
wcstombs_s(&converted, CStr, len, WStr, _TRUNCATE);
// 返回
return CStr;
WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR 转 char ,宽字符转窄字符,C++ 代码
//| WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR to char |
static wchar_t* CStr2WStr(const char* CStr)
// 长度设置
size_t len = strlen(CStr) + 1;
size_t converted = 0;
// 准备转换的对象
wchar_t *WStr;
// 转换
mbstowcs_s(&converted, WStr, len, CStr, _TRUNCATE);
// 返回
return WStr;
后来调查了 window 系统 API,使用 MultiByteToWideChar 和 WideCharToMultiByte 可以很好的解决问题。
以下来自微软官方示例代码,使用 MultiByteToWideChar 和 WideCharToMultiByte 需要调用两次,一次获取需要设定的缓冲长度,一次转换。效率有点低,但是符合微软的风格。 char 转 WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR ,窄字符转宽字符,C++ 代码
//| char to WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR etc |
static wchar_t * CStr2WStr(const char *cStr)
// MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, chr,
// strlen(chr)+1, wchar, size/sizeof(wchar[0]) );
// First: get count of multi-byte string.
const DWORD cCh = MultiByteToWideChar(CP\_ACP, // Character Page.
0, // Flag, always be 0.
cStr, // Multi-byte string.
-1, // '-1' is to determind length automatically.
NULL, // 'NULL' means ignore result. This is based
// on next argument is '0'.
0); // '0' is to get the count of character needed
// instead of to translate.
// Second: allocate enough memory to save result in wide character.
wchar\_t\* wStr = new wchar\_t\[cCh\];
ZeroMemory(wStr, cCh \* sizeof(wStr\[0\]));
// Third: Translate it!
MultiByteToWideChar(CP\_ACP, // Character Page.
0, // Flag, always be 0.
cStr, // Multi-byte string.
-1, // Count of character of string above.
wStr, // Target wide character buffer.
cCh); // Count of character of wide character string buffer.
return wStr;
WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR 转 char ,宽字符转窄字符,C++ 代码
//| WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR to char |
static char* WStr2CStr(const wchar_t *wchar)
//WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wchar, -1,
// chr, length, NULL, NULL );
const DWORD cCh = WideCharToMultiByte(CP\_ACP,
NULL, // When the wide character to be traslated
// is not in code page, proc will use this
// variable to fill with. We usually set it
// to NULL.
NULL); // This variable will save the number of
// character which can't be tranlated. We
// usually set it to NULL.
// Second: allocate enough memory to save result.
char\* cStr = new char\[cCh\];
ZeroMemory(cStr, cCh \* sizeof(cStr\[0\]));
// Third: Translate it!
return cStr;
参考 http://blog.163.com/tianshi\_17th/blog/static/4856418920085209414977/ http://www.cnblogs.com/zhwl/archive/2012/11/23/2784282.html http://www.cnblogs.com/wind-net/archive/2012/10/31/2718329.html