


Using recursive bitwise operations to implement the central transposition reversal of bytes.

Byte center transpose reversal, this is an IBM technical interview question for reference.
The original question is as follows:
Given a data of arbitrary byte length (using a Byte as an example), implement the center flip of the data,
which means exchanging the symmetric bits of the data, for example:
1010 1100 -> 0011 0101
1111 1111 -> 1111 1111
0000 0000 -> 0000 0000
1111 0000 -> 0000 1111
The solution is simple, just use bitwise operations to implement the following bit changes, but other
bit situations need to be considered, pay attention to the use of operators, IBM is indeed IBM.
11 - > 11
00 - > 00
10 - > 01
01 - > 10

Below are two implementations of the solution in C and VB involves bit conversion and has lower efficiency,
but the algorithm is the same. Also, a recursive algorithm is used here.

'Global variable to store the data to be converted
Private val As Byte

''' ''' Core algorithm, using recursion to implement byte center transpose
Private Sub fun(ByVal a As Byte)
    If a = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '11 - > 11
    '00 - > 00
    '10 - > 01
    '01 - > 10
    'The algorithm excludes the cases of 11 and 00, and reverses 01 and 10
    'Exclude the case where the result of the AND operation is all 0s
    If (val And a) <> (CByte(128 / a) And val) Then
        'One of them is 0, the other must be 1, the case of all 1s is naturally excluded
        If (val And a) = 0 Or (CByte(128 / a) And val) = 0 Then
            'Perform bitwise operation
            val = CByte(val Xor (a + CByte(128 / a)))
        End If
    End If
    'Recursive call
    fun(a / 2)
End Sub


//C implementation of byte center transpose
#include #include #define BYTE 8
//#define INTEGER 16


//Calculate the argument for parameter passing
#define ARGUMENT pow(2 , (LENGTH / 2 - 1))
//#define ARGUMENT 1 << ( LENGTH/2 -1 )

#define HIGHT 0x80 /*1000 0000*/
//#define HIGHT 0x8000 /*1000 0000 0000 0000*/

unsigned short val = 0;
//unsigned int val = 0;

int fun(int a){
//If a is empty, return
if (0 == a) {
return 0;
//'11 - > 11
//'00 - > 00
//'10 - > 01
//'01 - > 10
//'The algorithm excludes the cases of 11 and 00, and reverses 01 and 10
//'Exclude the case where the result of the AND operation is all 0s
if ( (val & a) != ((HIGHT / a) & val) ){
//One of them is 0, the other must be 1, the case of all 1s is naturally excluded
if ( 0 == (val & a) || 0 == ((HIGHT / a) & val) ) {
//Perform bitwise operation
val = val ^ ((HIGHT / a) + a);
fun(a / 2);
//func(a >> 1);
return 1;

int main(int argc , char * args[]) {
scanf("%d", &val);
//Recursive call
printf("%d", val);
return 0;

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